
Normex Claw Couplings
Normex torsionally flexible coupling. Dampens torsional vibrations. Axially insertable. Torques up to 41,000 Nm
Attention! This type of coupling consists of three parts: Two metal hubs and one element. The parts are sold separately, so if you need a complete clutch your basket should contain three items.
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Normex Element 010 PB72 size 82
Normex hub 105 for type H size 82
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 97
Normex Element 011 PB82 size 97
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 97
Normex hub 105 for type H size 97
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 112
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 112
Normex hub 105 for type H size 112
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 128
Normex hub101 for type E and G size 128
Normex hub 102+104 for type G size 128
Normex hub 105 for type H size 128
Normex distance part 113 for type H size 128
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 148
Normex hub 102+104 for type G size 148
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 168
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 168
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 194
Normex Element 010 PB72 size 50
Normex Element 011 PB82 size 50
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 50
Normex Element 011 PB82 size 67
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 67
Normex hub 105 for type H size 67
Normex distance part 112 for type H size 67
Normex distance part 113 for type H size 67
Normex Element 011 PB82 size 82
Normex hub 101 for type E and G size 82
Normex hub 102+104 for type G size 82
Normex distance part 112 for type H size 82
Normex distance part 113 for type H size 82
Normex hub 102+104 for type G size 97
Normex distance part 112 for type H size 97