2D/3D Drawings & Dimension charts
Name | Download | File type | |
25300212026-0-224827-SAT 3D fil-bn100_b3.sat | 347 KB | .sat |
25300212026-0-224856-STEP 3D fil-bn100_b3.stp | 509 KB | .stp |
25300212026-0-224798-IGES 3D fil-bn100_b3.igs | 774 KB | .igs |
25300212026-LANG3.pdf | 25 KB |
Datasheets & Documents
Name | Download | File type | |
Bonfi_standard ac motorer_ENG.pdf | 7890 KB | |
Bonfiglioli BN serie.pdf | 1117 KB |
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