Norma Quick
Norma Quick is a range of quick connectors ia state-of-the-art connections, reducing permeation rates and helping reduce total system weight. Made from synthetic material, our connectors are suitable for most media carrying lines.
See the four different types below.
Secure connection for cooling water and heating hoses
Material: Housing: PA66-GF30, O-ring: EPDM, Fastening ring: PA66-GF30, Retainer: Stainless steel 1.4310 (DIN EN 10270-3)
Clamping Ranges: 6 mm - 50 mm
PS3 “Push & Seal” plastic quick connectors designed according to VDA standard are an ideal means for the secure connection of coolant and heater hoses as well as charged air systems.
See datasheet here.
High safety performance
Material: Housing: PA12-GF30, Retainer: PA12-GF30, O-ring: Inside housing - FKM+FVMQ, On fir tree - FPM
Clamping Ranges: 1/4" - 5/8
S plastic quick connectors designed according to SAE standard are the ideal means for connecting media carrying lines in combustion engines. It has been especially developed for fuel system applications and is characterized by its' "click" sound as well as its' quick and safe connection.
See datasheet here.
SR Single-Lock
Easy and secure with Single-Lock feature
Material: Housing: PA12-GF30, PA66-GF30, Retainer: PA12-GF30, O-ring: FKM+FVMQ
Clamping Ranges: 7.89 mm - 13 mm
Single-Lock quick connectors are used mainly in the automotive fluid line applications. Designed according to SAE standard, they are known for their high quality and ease of assembly and disassembly process.
See datasheet here.
Quick assembly and compact design
Material: PA, types with glass fiber reinforcement, O-ring: EPDM, FPM, HNBR, NBR, FVMQ
Clamping Ranges: 4 mm - 27 mm
V2 plastic quick connectors are an ideal means to connect media carrying lines as well as ventilation and exhaust lines in automotive industry. The connectors can be used for both line-to-line and line-to-device connections. V2 can be applied on both plastic and metal spigots.
See datasheet here.